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Contractors Gauteng

ACT Painting

Derek Garton

0860 777 190

083 657 0777

African Clay Painting Contractors

Cobus Fick

(012) 345 3334

082 334 9952

Amecon Projects CC

Stephanie Erasmus

(011) 472 6027

082 828 6890

Artefon Coatings

Wilhelm Nel

082 718 4689

079 898 0515

AJL Contractors (Pty) Ltd

Andre Loots

086 642 7062

083 397 3442

Africoat Painting & Renovations CC

Fredrik Broens

(011) 462 9197

082 572 7990

Andrew Africa Coatings (Pty) Ltd

Gordon Campbell

(011) 708 2245

082 552 1129

Biddoly CC

Marius Brits

(012) 345 6398

082 491 2996

Adventure Wallcoverings (PTY) Ltd

Richard du Toit

(011) 706 6332

082 453 8465

Akhanani Voigt Painters & Renovators (PTY) Ltd (W Voight BBBEE Partner)

Seun Mahlangu         Peter Steele

(011) 262 0391                        

082 734 7869 082 375 1000

Animo Consultants CC

Jan van der Merwe

(011) 315 6115

082 651 5429

CJK Paintcontractor

Christiaan Kriel

(012) 644 1412

082 579 1134

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